5 Top Dog Walking Tips for Halloween Safety

Halloween is a favorite holiday for people of all ages and walks of life. However, if you own a dog, this may just be their second scariest night of the year, right behind the fourth of July. To ensure everyone is safe and happy this holiday season, we’ve compiled our 5 top dog walking tips for Halloween night.


#1 Bring Identification

If you are dog walking during trick-or-treating fun, you’ll want to ensure that your pup has its proper identification attached to its collar. Wearing your contact information will make it easy for a stranger to reunite you with your pet. Most pet owners find that microchipping is the ideal solution for this situation. However, it’s important to note that relying on a microchip may delay getting your dog back, as the finder will have to visit a veterinarian to scan the chip. Hence, it may be helpful to have both just in case.


#2 Practice Dress Rehearsal

Is your dog accompanying the family on a Halloween outing? If so, it’s a great idea to practice dress rehearsal a few nights leading up to the main event. This allows your dog to see other people dressed in costume and allows you to see how your canine’s outfit will work before Halloween night.


#3 Provide Exercise During the Day

Do you have an energetic or hyperactive dog? Pups with these personality traits get easily stressed over the actions and sounds associated with Halloween. Providing your pooch plenty of exercise and play during the day is a great option to help them remain calm at night. If you are short on time, consider hiring a reputable dog walking service to help.


#4 Watch for Dropped Candy

Trick-or-treaters get excited, so it’s only normal that some of these children drop their bags and lose candy on the sidewalks and road. You’ll need to be diligent on dog walks and watch for raisins, chocolate, gum, or any other candy that contains ingredients that are toxic for dogs. This is a great reason to stay home with your pet on Halloween night and the morning after if possible. If your dog must go out, hiring a professional dog walking service may be worth your time.


#5 Beware of Stranger Danger

Halloween night means the streets are filled with adults and kids dressed in scary costumes. This is one of the most common times that dogs slip their heads out of the collar and run away, so know how your dog will react before bringing them along. Again, if your dog is hyperactive or excitable, it’s best to exercise and feed your dog well during the day so that he can rest quietly inside at night.


The bottom line is that Halloween night is a time to collect candy and dress in spooky or silly costumes. Though many people incorporate their dogs each year, it’s vital to know your pooch’s personality well so that you can anticipate their actions.


Call us if you are uncomfortable or otherwise unsure about caring for your dog on Halloween! We are an expert pet sitting and dog walking service in Bay Area, California. We’d love to indulge your pet with affection and sweet (dog) treats while you enjoy your time with family and friends!



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